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Create an order



Field Type Description
external_id String The external order number. We recommend that each order should have a unique order number.
source String The source of the order. Usually the webshop name.
test optional Boolean Set this to true to make this order a test order. If not provided, it will not be considered a test order.
total Number The total amount of the order.
shipping_cost Number The total shipping cost of the order.
email optional String The email address of the receiver.
shipping_address Object The shipping address for the order.
    first_name String The firstname of the shipping address.
    last_name String The lastname of the shipping address.
    company_name optional String The company name of the shipping address.
    address1 String The street and housenumber of the shipping address.
    address2 optional String Additional information about the shipping address, like apartment number.
    postcode String The postcode of the shipping address.
    city String The city of the shipping address.
    state optional String The state of the shipping address.
    country String The country of the shipping address.
    phone optional Number The phone of the shipping address.
products Object[] Object with information about the products in the order (Array of Objects).
    external_id String The id of the product bought.
    ean13 optional Number The EAN of the product bought.
    name String The name or description of the product bought.
    reference optional String The reference or SKU of the product bought.
    quantity Number The quantity of the product bought.
    stock_quantity optional Number The quantity of the product bought.
    price Number The price of the product bought.
    image_url optional String The url of the image of the product bought.
    brand optional String The brand of the product bought.
    category optional String The category of the product bought.
    supplier optional String The supplier of the product bought.
    custom optional Object An object where you can add any key-value pair.

Request example

    "external_id": "L41223D",
    "source": "Example Shop Dot Org",
    "test": false,
    "total": 435.45,
    "shipping_cost": 4.95,
    "email": "",
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "company_name": "Jeff",
        "address1": "Jumpstreet 23",
        "postcode": "4500",
        "city": "LA",
        "country": "US",
        "phone": "222 222"
    "products": [
        "external_id": "1",
        "ean13": "87235211235464",
        "name": "Pizza margerita",
        "reference": "PZZA00001",
        "quantity": 2,
        "stock_quantity": 424,
        "price": 10.99,
        "image_url": "",
        "brand": "Italian",
        "category": "Pizza's",
        "supplier": "Mario",
            "toppings": "onions, olives",
            "customer_message": "No ananas/pineapple"

        "external_id": "2",
        "ean13": "07235211235464",
        "reference": "COKE",
        "name": "Coca Cola",
        "quantity": 2,
        "stock_quantity": 34,
        "price": 2.50,
        "image_url": "",
        "brand": "Coca Cola",
        "category": "Drinks",
        "supplier": "The Coca Cola Company",
            "customer_message": "No ice"

All possible status codes

Success 200

An HTTP status 200 is issued whenever your request was a success.

Message Description
Order created The order is successfully created.
Order already exists An order with this external_id already exists for this user\/project.


    "message": "Order created",
    "reference": 98

Error 422

Sometimes a status HTTP 422 is returned. The response usually contains a field property to indicate which field is causing the issue.

For example:

Field Description
external_id The external id field is required.
shipping_address.firstname The shipping_address.firstname field is required.
products.0.external_id The products.0.external_id field is required.

Error response example

    "message": "Errors",
            "The external id field is required."
            "The shipping address.firstname field is required."
            "The products.0.external_id field is required."

Error 500

Sometimes a status HTTP 500 is returned. This means that it cannot be processed and the reason is unknown.